《中国生物防治学报》 杂志社








首页 中国生物防治学报文章目录

  • 杂志名称:中国生物防治学报
  • 期刊级别:核心期刊
  • 主办单位:中国农业科学院植物保护研究所;中国植物保护学会
  • 主管单位:农业部
  • 国内刊号:CN 11-3515/S
  • 国际刊号:ISSN 2095-039X
  • 发表周期:季刊
  • 邮发代号:2-507


一株小菜蛾高致病性球孢白僵菌菌株的筛及其可湿性粉剂的田间药效试验徐延平1,仇 飞1,黄 勃1,王 滨1,李增智1,2*
转宿主粘虫颗粒体病毒(PuGV-P)增效蛋白基因的克隆表达及活性徐 健1*,赵 松2,刘 琴1,杨 青3,李传明1
转MAPK双链RNA干扰表达载体黄瓜对根际土真菌群落多样性的影响弭宝彬1,田雪亮2,王殿东4,李 莹3,王 烨4,陈国华4*
1株二氯喹啉酸降解菌QC06的筛选鉴定及其降解特性范 俊1,柏连阳1,刘敏捷2,周小毛1,任佐华1,董俊宇1,孙良菲1,刘二明1*
96孔板高通量选育嗜线虫致病杆菌高产帕克素菌株张 易1,李 佳1,钟 娟2,邱德文1,杨秀芬1*
转Bt cry6A基因的灰葡萄孢菌对松材线虫致死效应分析王殿东1,3,周梦溪2,罗中钦1,谢丙炎 1,杨宇红1,茆振川1,刘二明2*,陈国华1*
释放东亚小花蝽对茄子上蓟马的控制效果尹 健1*,高新国2*,武予清3**,蒋月丽3,刘顺通4,段爱菊4,张自启4,刘长营4
放线菌菌株1706的鉴定及其对草莓白粉病的防治效果武 哲1,张 俊1,2,孙 蕾1,刘彦彦1,葛蓓孛1,张克诚1*
捕食性蝽类昆虫人工饲料研究进展Advances in Artificial Diet for Rearing of Predatory Bugs刘丰姣,曾凡荣*LIU Fengjiao, ZENG Fanrong*
茶细蛾雕绒茧蜂和羽角姬小蜂的取食节律及外源营养对其成蜂寿命的影响Feeding Rhythm of Two Parasitoids Glyptapanteles theivorae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Sympiesis soriceicornis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Effects of Food Supplement on Their Longevity李 鑫1*,吴素蓉1,张金钰2,曹春玲1LI Xin1*, WU Surong1, ZHANG Jinyu2 , CAO Chunling1
辣根素的生物活性研究进展吴 华1,2,冯俊涛1,2,何 军1,2,张 兴1,2*WU Hua1,2, FENG Juntao1,2, HE Jun1,2, ZHANG Xing1,2?
冷驯化对昆虫耐寒性及其适合度的影响Effects of Cold Acclimatization on Insect Cold Hardiness and Fitness岳 雷,郭建英*,周忠实,万方浩YUE Lei, GUO Jianying*, ZHOU Zhongshi, WAN Fanghao
转cry1Ab基因棉花质粒标准分子的构建与分析Construction and Analysis of Reference Moleculer of Transgenic cry1Ab Cotton金荣愉*,崔海峰*,俞晓平,叶子弘**JIN Rongyu*, CUI Haifeng*, YU Xiaoping, YE Zihong**
水稻纹枯病菌拮抗菌的筛选、鉴定及培养条件探索Screening, Identification and Cultivation Conditions of Microbes Antagonistic to Rice Sheath Blight Fungus Rhizoctonia solani曹琦琦*,周登博*,郑 丽,杨 媚,周而勋**CAO Qiqi*, ZHOU Dengbo*, ZHENG Li, YANG Mei, ZHOU Erxun**
限制性内切酶介导的粉红粘帚霉67-1转化体系构建Construction of Clonostachys rosea 67-1 Genetic Transformation System by Restriction Enzyme-mediated Integration (REMI)许梦秋1,2,姜 杰1,2,孙漫红1*,谢响明2,李世东1XU Mengqiu1,2, JIANG Jie1.2, SUN Manhong1*, XIE Xiangming2, LI Shidong1
解淀粉芽胞杆菌Lx-11生物发酵工艺优化Optimization of Fermentation Process of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Lx-11张荣胜1,2,梁雪杰2,刘永锋1,罗楚平1,王晓宇1,刘邮洲1,乔俊卿1,陈志谊1*ZHANG Rongsheng1,2, LIANG Xuejie2, LIU Yongfeng1, LUO Chuping1, WANG Xiaoyu1, LIU Youzhou1, QIAO Junqing1, CHEN Zhiyi1*
臭氧化葵花油对植物病原真菌的抗性研究Antifungal Activity of the Ozonized Sunflower Oil (Oleozon) to the Phytopathogenic Fungus李 勃1*,柯 杨1,马 瑜1,陈志杰2LI Bo1*, KE Yang1, MA Yu1, CHEN Zhijie2
哈茨木霉Tr-92诱导黄瓜对灰霉病系统抗性的研究Induced Systemic Resistance of Cucumber to Grey Mould by Trichoderma harzianum Tr-92王淑霞1,2,张丽萍1,黄亚丽1*,张 骥2,杜晓哲1,尹淑丽WANG Shuxia1,2, ZHANG Liping1, HUANG Yali1*, ZHANG Ji2, DU Xiaozhe1, YIN Shuli1
十种常用农药制剂对蜡蚧轮枝菌孢子萌发、 菌丝生长和产孢的影响Effects of Ten Common Pesticides on Conidial Germination, Mycelial Growth and Sporulation of Verticillium lecanii翟晓曼,张艳军,谢 明ZHAI Xiaoman, ZHANG Yanjun, XIE Ming*
水稻牛蛙生态种养对稻飞虱防效及水稻产量的影响Effects of Rice-Bullfrog Mixed Cultivation on Rice Planthoppers and Rice Yield刘功朋1,3,张玉烛1*,黄志农2,陈恺林1,刘 洋1,朱国奇1,方宝华1LIU Gongpeng1,3, ZHANG Yuzhu1*, HUANG Zhinong2, CHEN Kailin1, LIU Yang1, ZHU Guoqi1, FANG Baohua1
释放花绒寄甲对核桃云斑天牛的防治效果Control Effects on Batocera lineolata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)Attacking Walnut Trees by Releasing Parasitoid Dastarcus helophoroides (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae)李建庆1,2,杨忠岐2*,梅增霞1,冯 斌3,王 平4,王小艺2LI Jianqing1,2, YANG Zhongqi2*,MEI Zengxia1,FENG Bin3 ,WANG Ping4,WANG Xiaoyi2
温度对南方小花蝽捕食西花蓟马功能反应的影响Effect of Temperature on Predatory Functional Responses of Orius similis to Frankliniella occidentalis莫利锋,郅军锐*,陈祥叶MO Lifeng, ZHI Junrui*, CHEN Xiangye
蝇蛹俑小蜂Spalangia endius Walker性比、寿命及冷藏对其羽化影响研究Sex Ratio, Longevity and Effect of Cold Storage on Emergence of Spalangia endius, a Parasitoid Wasp of Bactrocera dorsalis章玉苹1,3,范一霖1,3,曾 玲2,钟 娟1,3,李敦松1,3*ZHANG Yuping1,3, FANG Yilin1,3, ZENG Ling2, ZHONG Juan1,3, LI Dunsong1,3*
国际捕食螨研发与应用的热点问题及启示Hot Spots in International Predatory Mite Studies and Lessons to Us徐学农*,吕佳乐,王恩东
芙新姬小蜂生物学特性及其应用研究进展 Research Advances on Biological Characteristics and Application of Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)王伟,王文霞,刘万学,程立生,万方浩 WANG Wei, WANG Wenxia, LIU Wanxue, CHENG Lisheng, WAN Fanghao
显花植物在提高节肢动物天敌控制害虫中的生态功能 Ecological Functions of Flowering Plants on Conservation of the Arthropod Natural Enemies of Insect Pests in Agroecosystem朱平阳,吕仲贤,Geoff Gurr,郑许松,Donna Read,杨亚军,徐红星 ZHU Pingyang, Lü Zhongxian, Geoff Gurr, ZHENG Xusong, Donna Read , YANG Yajun2, XU Hongxing
缓释技术在性信息素防治害虫中的应用 Applications of Slow Release Technique of Sex Pheromone in Pest Control李庆燕,刘金龙,赵龙龙,马瑞燕 LI Qingyan, LIU Jinlong, ZHAO Longlong, MA Ruiyan
花绒寄甲成虫搜索锈色粒肩天牛行为的测定 Searching Behaviore of Adult Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire) (Coleoptera: Zopheridae) for Apriona swainsoni (Hope) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)卢希平,姜莉,魏建荣 LU Xiping, JIANG Li, WEI Jianrong
以麦二叉蚜和麦长管蚜为寄主的烟蚜茧蜂生理生化特性比较研究 Comparative Studies of the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead Parasitizing Schizaphis graminum and Macrosiphum avenae宋修超,郑方强,戴凤宾,墨铁路,许永玉 SONG Xiuchao1, ZHENG Fangqiang1, DAI Fengbin2, MO Tielu1, XU Yongyu
转木霉菌激发子基因的链霉工程菌株构建及检测 Construction and Detection of Streptomyces lydicus A01 Transformants with Elicitor Genes from Trichoderma吴琼,陈 捷,李莹莹,高士刚,余传金,李雅乾* WU Qiong, CHEN Jie, LI Yingying, GAO Shigang, YU Chuanjin, LI Yaqian*
台湾甲腹茧蜂的生物学特性 A Preliminary Study on the Biological Characteristics of Chelonus formosanus Sonan吉训聪,岳建军,秦双,陈海燕,梁延坡 JI Xuncong, YUE Jianjun, QIN Shuang, CHEN Haiyan, LIANG Yanpo
虫生真菌的非核糖体肽类毒素 Non-ribosomal Peptidic Toxins of Entomogenous Fungi陈秀润,胡琼波* CHEN Xiurun,HU Qiongbo*
昆虫病原真菌的生态适应性及其生物防治应用策略 Ecological Adaptability of Entomopathogenic Fungi and Strategy for Biocontrol Application农向群,张泽华* NONG Xiangqun, ZHANG Zehua*
六蕊假稻Leersiahexandra病原真菌稻平脐蠕孢 Bipolaris oryzae的分子鉴定及致病性研究 Molecular Identification and Pathogenicity Research of Bipolaris oryzae on Leersia hexandra韩川,段桂芳,张建萍,陆永良,余柳青 HAN Chuan, DUAN Guifang, ZHANG Jianping, LU Yongliang, YU Liuqing
Cry毒素昆虫中肠受体蛋白多肽的增效作用研究进展 Research Progresses on Synergism of Cry Toxins by Toxin-Binding Fragments陈文波,刘晨曦,吴孔明* CHEN Wenbo, LIU Chenxi, WU Kongming*
红树内生细菌AiL3抗菌蛋白的纯化及其防治芒果炭疽病机理研究 Purification and Bio-control Mechanism against Mango Anthracnoses of Antifungal Protein of Mangrove Endophytic Bacteria AiL3余莎,何 红,詹儒林,马凌燕,李 琳 YU Sha,HE Hong,ZHAN Rulin,MA Lingyan,LI Lin
哈茨木霉caf类似基因ThCon1的克隆及功能初探 Cloning and Functional Research of a caf-like Gene ThCon1 in Trichoderma harzianum TH-33牛静,李 梅*,范亮波,刘卫德,冀 颖,刘增亮,蒋细良*,陈书华 NIU Jing, LI Mei, FANG Liangbo, LIU Zengliang, JIANG Xiliang*, CHEN Shuhua
高速逆流色谱法从哈茨木霉发酵液中分离纯化抑菌活性成分 Isolation and Purification of Antifungal Components from Trichoderma harzianum Ferment Broth by High-Speed Counter-Current Chromatography沙莎,刘 雷,潘 顺,王为民 SHA Sha, LIU Lei, PAN Shun, WANG Weimin
链孢粘帚霉HL-1-1内切葡聚糖酶基因克隆及功能分析 Cloning and Functional Analysis of Endoglucanase Gene from Gliocladium catenulatum HL-1-1张晔,孙漫红,李世东,罗 明 ZHANG Ye, SUN Manhong, LI Shidong, LUO Ming
基于高分辨熔解分析的cry1I类基因的克隆、表达及活性分析 Identification of Novel cry1I-type Genes from Bacillus thuringiensis HD-12 Strain on the Basis of High Resolution Melting Assay赵灿,张春鸽,束长龙,孙 冰,宋福平,高继国,张 杰 ZHAO Can, ZHANG Chunge, SHU Changlong, SUN Bing, SONG Fuping, GAO Jiguo, ZHANG Jie
新型旋风分离器高效分离多株生防真菌分生孢子 A Novel Cyclone Separator for Conidial Powder of Several Fungal Biocontrol Agents王丹琪,叶素丹,陈春 WANG Danqi, YE Sudan, CHEN Chun
白僵菌CQBb111菌株对柑橘木虱和胡瓜新小绥螨的毒力差异 Virulence of Beauveria bassiana CQBb111 Strain to Diaphorina citri and Neoseiulus cucumeirs张艳璇,孙莉,林坚贞,陈 霞,季 洁 ZHANG Yanxuan, SUN Li, LIN Jianzhen, CHEN Xia, JI Jie
环境因子及常用农药对玫烟色棒束孢SCAU-IFCF01孢子萌发的影响 The Effects of Environmental Factors and Common Pesticides on Conidia Germination Rates of Isaria fumosorosea SCAU-IFCF01张伟,吕利华,何余容,谢梅琼,王德森,念晓歌 ZHANG Wei, Lü Lihua, HE Yurong, XIE Meiqiong1, WANG Desen, NIAN Xiaoge
嗜线虫致病杆菌Xenorhabdusnematophila HB310 对中红侧沟茧蜂的影响 Effect of Xennorhabdus nematophila HB310 on Microplitis mediator Haliday(Hymenoptera: Braconidae)南宫自艳,冯珊珊,宋萍,王勤英 NANGONG Ziyan, FENG Shanshan, SONG Ping1, WANG Qinying
害虫生物防治新概念??生物防治植物及创新研究 NewConcept of Biological Control: Bio-control Plants Used for Management of Arthropod Pests肖英方,毛润乾,万方浩 XIAOYingfang,MAO Runqian, WAN Fanghao
中国南方球孢白僵菌的遗传多样性和种群遗传结构 Genetic Diversity and Population Genetic Structure of Beauveria bassiana in South China胡晓磊,何玲敏,陈雪,张胜利,栾丰刚,李增智* HU Xiaolei, HE Lingmin, CHEN Xue, ZHANG Shengli, LUAN Fenggang, LI Zengzhi*
北京地区七星瓢虫滞育诱导的温光效应 Effects of Temperature and Light on Diapause Induction in Lady Beetle Coccinella septempunctata in Beijing, China王伟, 张礼生*,陈红印, 王 娟,张 洁,刘 遥 WANG Wei, ZHANG Lisheng*, CHEN Hongyin, WANG Juan, ZHANG Jie, LIU Yao
两种叶螨及其不同螨态对拟长毛钝绥螨后代性比的影响 Effects of Two Species of Spider Mites and Their Different Developmental Stages on the Offspring Sex Ratios of the Predatory Mite Amblyseius pseudolongispinosus (Acari: Phytoseiidae)杨莹,姜晓环,徐学农*,王恩东 YANG Ying, JIANG Xiaohuan, XU Xuenong*, WANG Endong
温度对松毛虫赤眼蜂不同地理种群寄生潜能及种群参数的影响 Effect of Temperature on Reproductive Potential and Population Parameters of Different Trichogramma dendrolimi Geographic Populations李莹,董 辉,丛 斌,钱海涛,杨海霞,张柱亭,孙 巍 LI Ying, DONG Hui, CONG Bin, QIAN Haitao, YANG Haixia, ZHANG Zhuting, SUN Wei


